Shimmer of Sunshine

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The good old days are still here!

I was chatting with Gokul the other day, and we happened to mention how 'those' days were indeed, the good old days. Now mind you, we aint that old right now, and could give quite a few kids a run for their money with our 'mature' activities, but anyway, i remembered a 'pome' that I'd written when I'd just gotten out of school, as a result of lectures from the family and elders on how we'd NOW grown up, and should start looking at life differently(I don't see why, I like it just the way it is :) ). I found it after cleaning my room (YES, that's out of my to-do list), and though it isnt a masterpiece, even remotely, by any standards, it was nice to read what I wrote back then.. so here goes, now u bear the brunt :p

There was once a time,
when we had no fear nor care,
we learnt the little things in life,
and had all the time to spare

Strangers came into our lives,
and stayed on as friends,
some were mere acquaintances,
others were true godsends

Slowly there appeared a twinkle in the eye,
a gleam of mischief, one could say,
we began to do things more clever,
the old innocence faded away

Today we stand as men and women,
and have our own burdens to bear,
we wish we could return to that life again,
and have all the time to spare!

Hmm, I guess looking back is a wonderful thing, and the past sparkles immensely when we look through the crystal glass of memory, but in all probability, ten years from now, I'll look back on today, and say "The good old days"..human habits die hard dont they?


  • good old days are STILL here?where??????????

    but i guess few years down the line we will look @ourselves NOW @this stage and say the good ol days when we weren't even married.hhehehe...

    so yeah accordin to that law..every day is a good day//

    nice poem sweetie..u can write poems..i cant :-)

    keep blojjin..

    By Blogger Sameera, at 6:11 AM  

  • gr8 poem da.....ess those good old days chi now tht u ve reminded me m missin em more :(( ..khair i belv. they r better days to come in our lives
    *raises his glass*for the old n the new days to come cheers!!

    By Blogger Gulam Hasan, at 11:13 AM  

  • //lectures from the family and elders on how we'd NOW grown up, and should start looking at life differently

    Hello ! I think the fun is in never "growing up" . Wish to retain that childlike curiosity.

    PS : Ref ( Nirmal's Blog)The tidhanic thingy is a 64Mb file and was in my LAN . I dunno how to actually share it on the net.

    By Blogger Harish Suryanarayana, at 10:16 PM  

  • @ Sameera : I knnw..I think we all just live in the 'grass is greener..' syndrome..maybe we actually like cribbing, once in a while, who knows? Life's fun if we look in the right places:)

    @ rumpy : Still cant believe u finally did ur for ur 'petty ponderings' over the days that i was supposedly different..will get BACK on chat:p

    @ Affy : Ur right..the best is yet to come..ALWAYS!Thats as opti as we can get!

    By Blogger Jaya, at 12:29 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Jaya, at 12:34 AM  

  • @ Harish : Thanx for visiting:)
    Yup..i agree..which is what i said: 'lectures from the family and elders on how we'd NOW grown up, and should start looking at life differently(I don't see why, I like it just the way it is :) ) - and change is the only constant there!

    Maybe they just want us to draw the line between 'childish' and 'childlike' - but that comes to us easily enuff, given the time!Curiosity is the one quality i dig..wouldnt give up asking questions for anything!
    Yea..I wonder how u can share 'tidhanic' thru the net too, see if something's possible. Could u upload it on ? It accepts upto 1 GB with limited downloads, and no registration required.. but only if it's not a bother:)

    By Blogger Jaya, at 1:29 AM  

  • moi the 400th visitor :)....

    By Blogger Gulam Hasan, at 10:57 AM  

  • yes.. yes...
    And u cleaned ur room?? ok now I know why it was raining the other day.. and I guess by now it is back to the same state as before.. I mean the pathetic state.. :P

    By Blogger The optimist from utopia, at 5:49 AM  

  • Haa...You certainly wrote simpler in good old days...
    The whole poem is simpler than your blog URL....!!! :)

    btw, nice blog. here through some other blogs...

    By Blogger Sriram, at 9:43 PM  

  • Lovely poem. You remind of my school days when I used to finish homework and lie down on the terrace, see the sun set, the beatiful cloud patterns, the birds flying back to their nests. Life was so charming then.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:53 AM  

  • nice :)

    By Blogger nkshirsa, at 7:03 AM  

  • Once a upon a time a blogger by the name Jaya B used to blog she still there??

    By Blogger Gulam Hasan, at 10:45 AM  

  • Lovely poem. I think our generation is getting more nostalgic than our parents generation because life is moving so fast for us !

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:21 AM  

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